Specialized Business Services | Becky O'Neill

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Focus on One Thing At a Time

You CAN Have It All. You can achieve most anything in life, as long as you focus on achieving one thing at a time. It’s a proven-successful strategy that is used and recommended by many successful people. Gary Keller and Jay Papasan wrote a whole book about this simple idea called The ONE Thing

Don’t be fooled by the simplicity of this concept though. It’s one of the hardest things to implement in your life and it takes ongoing focus combined with discipline to maintain it. 

So the question is not whether focusing on one thing at a time is a good strategy (just look at the graphic at the top... it makes total sense, right?); the question is HOW can we accomplish this and then stick to it?

We, as humans are ambitious and easily distracted. Our desires are constantly changing. We pursue new objectives before we reach our old goals. We start new projects before we finish the ones we already have going on. Heck, we don’t always even finish our current train of thought before something new pops in. Am I right!?

Instead of focusing on one thing at a time,  we allow ourselves to be distracted and just float aimlessly -or- worse yet, we set multiple unrelated goals while thinking we can multitask our way to achieving them. (Revisit the graphic again and let that sink in!) 

Let’s talk for a minute about how this keeps us from Having It All. 

It would be very difficult to successfully build a highly profitable business, get in top physical shape, compete in a marathon, write a book, raise children, and travel the world... all at the same time... right? It is unlikely any one human can, or should, attempt to obtain these enormous goals simultaneously. It would be frustrating, exhausting, and highly unlikely to produce true success in all areas AT THE SAME TIME. 

This is the trap we fall into without realizing. The ‘everything at once’ vision of Having It All only leads to mediocrity, frustration, and never actually reaching your goals and objectives. 

BUT - don’t be dismayed. There is a way! Think about it. You could do all those things in a lifetime, right? Possibly even within the span of a decade if you plan and are diligent about sticking to one thing at a time with your end goals in mind. So Having It All is often a matter of prioritizing what you want, planning out how you intend to achieve those things, and fully immersing yourself in life and work with your current singular objective in mind! 

Sure. This is easier said than done, but it can be done and there is a process to follow. 

I have found that if I stick to one major priority per area of my life at a time I make HUGE gains and it is VERY fulfilling. I categorize my life into five main areas: Business, Health, Me Time/Self Development, Recreation, and Relationships. My children are grown now so having that behind me has freed up significant space in my life to peruse more of what I love but even if you are currently in the throws of child-rearing... there IS time and space (if you intentionally choose to create and maintain it) so fear not. 

The categories I’ve chosen are based on my own perspective on life. You can categorize your life the way you want. What matters is that you create structure and boundaries based on how you categorize your life. Otherwise, there’s no road-map. And when there’s no structure or road-map, there’s chaos. And when there’s chaos, there’s no ‘one thing’: There’s everything. That’s a recipe for NOT getting what you want or need now or in the future... in other words... NOT Having It All. 

I am in the process right now of developing a course series to help you learn my process to clear and ‘make’ TIME, free up ENERGY, REDUCE the STRESS that comes from being pulled in all directions, ELIMINATE the FRUSTRATION of not actually winning at anything, and charting a course for freedom to HAVE IT ALL. 

Contact me today to talk about your business and how we can work together to get you growing!

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